- Worked with The Good Supply team on their 10th Anniversary promotional activity, deciding on a months-long marine debris collection, followed by an artist in residence (where the artist would create a sculpture out of marine debris), and a big show/celebration featuring artists and organizations associated with The Good Supply
- Designed commemorative logo, flyer for collection event and invitation graphics for event
- Assisted in organizing event food, beverages, show and entertainment
- Create site-specific art installation using existing objects in the landscape and collected stuff from free piles, neighbors and left over marine debris
- Assisted artist Cindy Pease Roe in creating her whale sculpture
- Contributed to install of show, set-up of event, running of event and clean-up

The project began with a trash collection initiative to collect the raw materials for artist Cindy Pease Roe to create her whale sculpture
The project began with a trash collection initiative to collect the raw materials for artist Cindy Pease Roe to create her whale sculpture
Save the Date for Whale Club. The top corners are cut off to make tiny flyers, while the top half of the barn is folded over and secured to create a mailer.
Save the Date for Whale Club. The top corners are cut off to make tiny flyers, while the top half of the barn is folded over and secured to create a mailer.
Whale Club invite, printed on the local newspapers antique press
Whale Club invite, printed on the local newspapers antique press
Whale Club invite with 10th Anniversary Commemorative logo
Whale Club invite with 10th Anniversary Commemorative logo
GIF for social media
GIF for social media
'Fresh Catch' painting shown as part of the event
'Fresh Catch' painting shown as part of the event
'It's Complicated' site-specific installation that was part of the event
'It's Complicated' site-specific installation that was part of the event
Several non-profits and attractions set up in the expansive yard of the gallery/store
Several non-profits and attractions set up in the expansive yard of the gallery/store
Completed whale sculpture by Cindy Pease Roe
Completed whale sculpture by Cindy Pease Roe
The trash/raw material collection area was on full display for the event
The trash/raw material collection area was on full display for the event

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