Pockets Full of Sunshine is an organization with a mission to provide meaningful activities to adults with developmental disabilities. They contacted me to design an interactive project to do with the adults in the program (referred to as Rays) that could later be permanently installed at The Sandbox Children's Museum. They wanted to incorporate painted oyster shells from their "Tree of Hope" project, where visitors to their events would write things that inspired them on oyster shells and hang them on a tree. They wanted a permanent place for these shells to be along with artwork by the Rays.
I designed a project where the Rays would participate with me in painting a giant canvas, using traditional and non-traditional paint tools. I then cut the canvas up into small vignettes, which I mounted in frames that were decorated with the shells from the tree. I then installed the arrangement of pieces in the Childrens Museum.
Shortly after this, I created a design for the Rays to use in their Ukraine Relief initiative. They have a a screen printing shop where they printed the design on t-shirts, tote bags and tea towels. They then sold these items at a Ukraine Relief event held locally.