- Hired as Boat Show Director and charged with organizing every aspect of the event, which had the ultimate goal of brand recognition for the neighborhood and resulting Real Estate sales
- Sold sponsorships and vendor placements for booths and boats, performing negotiations and managing contract terms
- Created marketing plan and executed all marketing activity including ad buys, public and press relations, collateral and ad design, website design, and signage
- Met with neighborhood boards, including marketing and real estate committees, to gauge all stakeholder goals, outcomes and benchmarks
- Designed event itself including boat and vendor placements, transportation and parking, entertainment, food and beverage, parties and traffic flow
- Collected and analyzed data from event participants in partnership with University of South Carolina researchers to asses toursim impact of event
- Organized volunteer organization and communications

Newspaper advertisement

Newspaper advertisement

Newspaper advertisement

Magazine ad

Magazine ad

Event program cover

event program

Event program

Event program

Event program

Event program

Event program

Event program

Sponsorship brochure cover

Sponsorship documents

Sponsorship documents

Infographics for Sponsorship docs

Sponsorship documents

Sponsorship documents

Sponsorship documents

Sponsorship documents